Saturday, December 4, 2010

Deeper Thoughts with Nicole Pullen

YAY and NAY!
 1.  Western style toilets have to be up there on the list of "best things invented - EVER".  Since being in south east Asia, I've had a few encounters with "squatters", and lets just say they leave a lot to be desired.  I'm not going to get into details, but I will never again take our toilets back home for granted :)

2.  The weather in Hong Kong at this time of year is lovely.  It's a steady mid-twenties temperature every day, maybe dipping to just below twenty at night.  Sometimes I still find it odd that I can wear shorts and a t-shirt in December!  So it boggles my mind that while it's a LOVELY 23C out, stores and buses feel it's necessary to blast the air conditioner!!!  It's not nearly hot enough to warrant A/C!  Sadly it seems the whole city feels differently, and the constant hot/cold when going out has brought Jesse and I colds.

 3.   Women in Hong Kong know how to dress.  They have style, and it's a rare sight when you see a woman walking around in casual clothes with sneakers, hair in ponytail.  And naturally, heels go hand in hand with a beautiful outfit.  But the thing I can't get over is how many orange price tag stickers I see on the bottom of all these heels!  It cracks me up every time, but it's now ingrained in me to make SURE my price tag sticker is removed from all new shoes before wearing them outside.


  1. this reminds me of squatting on a canoe trip. it didn't end well. i don't know how you do it, friend! i think i'd hold it 'til I found a toilet I could use without effort!

  2. hahahha sometimes i did just that! but sometimes there are NO other options... anyway, I think we're done with the squatters for this trip, YAY!
